10 Things About Testicles Ladies Need To Know

10 Things About Testicles Ladies Need To KnowThe testes are an amazing thing. This is where the sperm forms, which ultimately results in life. However, while basic biology is a different topic altogether, there are a number of things that many women would like to know about the testicles that may result in a completely new dynamic in bed. Remember, when in bed, the testicles can prove to be an amazing part of the body for stimulation. Very few people actually know this. 10 Things About Testicles Ladies Need To Know

9 Momentous Myths of Female Sexual Desire

9 Momentous Myths of Female Sexual DesireMen have lost count of the number of things we have heard regarding the sexual desires of women. There are so many different myths, it’s virtually impossible to debunk them all. However, certain myths are more common than most. For all the guys out there who believe some of these myths, it is important to realize that not all of them are true. It’s in your mind, after hearing these myths so many times, you’ve turned them in to a reality. However, one thing is clear for all to see, and that is, female sexual desire is different than that of men. 9 Momentous Myths of Female Sexual Desire