So-so sex? You’re not alone. A lot of couples are yearning for more fun and excitement in the bedroom. Sex can become dull and boring, especially when you’re in a long-term relationship. With all the internal and external factors surrounding you, you may end up doing the same lovemaking routine over and again. It’s about time you turn the tables and learn the tricks for a more active and satisfying sex life. … 9 Sex To-Dos That Will Turn Up the Heat
Just thinking of approaching her makes you want to faint. It’s okay. Everyone gets nervous once in a while, but when will you have the courage to approach her? And you heard the advice to man up and muster up your confidence. You’re going nowhere if you’re too scared to make the first move, but how? First, you must understand that confidence is not inborn – you have to learn it. There’s no one to help you, but you alone. If you’re thinking of faking it by acting cool, you’re only fooling yourself. … 9 Self-Confidence Boosters to Improve Your Chances with Her
There are two main reasons why men fail in the seduction game. First, the fear of being rejected, so they hold back and take shelter. Second, a lot of men think that they can easily get a woman with their looks and money. Although this is partly true, if you want to attract a woman’s attention, she needs to feel connected with you, but how? … 8 Ways to Use the Psychology of Getting Women Psyched About You
With your tight schedule, unfinished workload, heaps of bills and family issues; it’s no wonder you don’t have the time, energy and desire for sex anymore. Stress is on top of the list of the main reasons for a boring and non-existent sex life. Ironically, sex is on top of the list to relieve stress, too. … 9 Strategies for Great Sex under Stress
In movies, you often see the nice guy as a shoulder to cry on during breakups or a dummy date at a party. Women like nice guys,but not when it comes to sexually intimate relationships. Being too considerate, understanding and giving makes a guy a good friend, but not a boyfriend. Why? Women love challenges and equality, while nice guys are willing do everything and anything without complaining. … 8 Reasons Nice Guys Don’t Get the Girls
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