Nexus Pheromones is an attraction cologne that can give you an edge when talking to women.
Here’s the quick version of what you need to know about Nexus Pheromones: they smell great. They’ll boost your confidence – and they’re made with our most recent understanding of human pheromones.
That understanding amounts to this: we know human pheromones are real. You’ve got them, and they’re most likely Androstadienone (AND) in men and Estatetraenol (EST) in women. But we’re still waiting on scientific confirmation that AND and EST are indeed human sex pheromones. We’re still unclear how they work too, and the role they play in attracting a mate.
Does this mean you shouldn’t buy Nexus Pheromones? Just the opposite – you SHOULD. We know pheromones exist in humans, and Nexus Pheromones has AND in its formula. We also know scent plays a very powerful role in sexual attraction. A quick whiff of Nexus Pheromones reveals it smells pretty darn good, and can help boost your confidence as you try to meet women.
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The Great Pheromones Debate
There’s no shortage of back-and-forth about human pheromones and the role they play in courtship. At least four prominent studies have been done on pheromones since 1986 when they were first discovered by Dr. Winnifred Cutler. Those studies include:
Royal Society Open Science
A study published in 2017. For its methodology, researchers asked heterosexual participants to rate faces of the opposite sex for attractiveness, during which they were exposed to AND and EST. As well, they were asked to judge gender-ambiguous, neutral faces by merging male and female images together.
AND is found in male sweat. EST is present in female urine.
The rationale of using AND and EST was that if steroids were pheromones, female volunteers who took AND would see gender-neutral faces as those of men. Conversely, men given EST would interpret the same faces as coming from women. If this happened, the researchers theorized the steroids corresponding to the opposite sex would make volunteers rate the faces in the pictures as more attractive.
Result: That didn’t happen. Nothing did – in this study, researchers found no effect between the steroids on any behaviors. The study lead, Leigh Simmons, still believes human pheromones exist. None have been identified though, he argues. Also, he says there’s a bias against AND and EST, with some in the scientific community intent on writing off the two steroids and the first sight of negative results.

Human sex pheromones play a key role in attraction.
Current Biology
This was a study done in 2014 by Chinese researcher Wen Zhou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zhou, a psychologist and olfaction researcher, and her colleagues worked with 96 volunteers. Half were male and half were women. Another consideration; half the men and women identified as heterosexual. The other half said they were either homosexual or – as the women in this group identified – bisexual.
Wan’s methodology was to evaluate the influence of AND and EST on participants as they judged the walking gait of dot figures.
Result: AND and EST both influenced how subjects judged the figures. Heterosexual men were more likely to say the figure was female when exposed to EST. In similar fashion, heterosexual women tended to say the figure was male when AND was present.
Homosexual men responded to AND similarly to heterosexual women. Just as notable, women who identified as homosexual or bi did not respond to either steroid. Meaning? The takeaway message here is that humans appear to use chemical signals to sense partners with romantic potential. That appears to work in accordance with gender and sexual orientation.
Martha McClintock gets the nod for being a pioneer in human pheromone studies. She’s done several of them, including a 2017 study that found AND altered brain activity when passively inhaled. Still, it’s her 1998 study, published in the journal Nature that may be the most influential.
In her 1998 study, McClintock and her team took samples from 29 young women. All the women had a history of regular and sporadic ovulation. From these women, the team collectde compound samples from nine volunteers by placing pads under their arm pits.
These women had bathed without scented products and had worn the pads for eight hours.
Results: McClintock found the remaining 20 women synced their menstrual cycles to the smaller subgroup when exposed to their scent.
McClintock takes a more nuanced approach to human pheromones. She had done earlier pheromone research with rats and found a strong correlation between them and behavior. She theorizes human pheromones may not be a strong in mating behavior compared to other factors.

Scent may play a bigger role in attraction than you realize.
Still, she acknowledged the power of scent and the need to explore pheromones further. Her latest work, published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology (January 2017) found a link between AND and brain function.
Even tiny amounts of the compounds influence how we think – a link worth exploring among mating behavior and other areas of human nature.
Archives of Sexual Behaviour
McClintock brought AND and EST to the forefront, but it was Dr. Winnifred Cutler who discovered pheromones in the first place. Back in 1986, her work at the University of Pennsylvania established that human pheromones exist and appears to affect sexual behavior.
Her more recent work includes a 1998 study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour. It involved 38 heterosexual men between 26 and 42, each of whom completed a two week baseline period and a 6 week, placebo-controlled trial that tested a pheromone designed to ‘improve romance’ in their lives.
Results: It did just that. The men in the pheromone group reported a significant increase in hugging, kissing and sexual intercourse. Based on this data, and while acknowledging that further studies are required, Cutler argued that pheromones made men more sexually attractive to women
What We Know About Pheromones
So what do we make of all this? That’s a lot of information to take in, but it’s more than enough to summarize a few things about pheromones and the impact they have on human behavior:
Pheromones Exist
First, the obvious. We know pheromones exist. Sea urchins, for example, release pheromones into surrounding water that trigger other urchins in their colony to release sex cells. Pheromones exist – that is undisputed.

Nexus Pheromones might help your interactions with women.
You Have Them
Cutler’s research in 1986 identified human pheromones as being the material that remained once the ‘overbearing’ underarm sweat was removed in study participants. You’ve got human pheromones. The bigger question is how they work.
What We DON’T Know About Pheromones
How They Work
What he said. Human pheromones appear to work differently in humans than in the animal kingdom, and they’re unique to you. Animals process pheromones with their vomeronasal (VMO) organ, which detects the substance and leads them to a mate.
Some researchers think humans don’t have a VMO. Others think it’s in our nose, but it doesn’t work.
However they work, it’s clear that human pheromones need more research to answer these basic questions, along with other possibilities. Pheromones may have other uses too, like as a fertility treatment, or even as a contraceptive for couples who don’t want to conceive.
Which Pheromones You Have
Our best guess at the moment is that AND and EST are human pheromones. Every study we’ve talked about in this article, save the Royal Society Open Science study of 2017 points to those steroids as being human pheromones. And even that study has critics. Wen Zhou, author of the 2014 study, points to holes in its methodology, arguing the faces used were not truly ‘gender neutral’, and that AND and EST were neutralized by other chemicals used by the researchers.
Still, while AND and EST appear to be human pheromones, you may have others. Some pheromones may be unique to you – although what they convey is another matter.
What Nexus Pheromones Will and Won’t DO
With these things clarified, let’s specify now what Nexus Pheromones is designed to do. As you know, it’s one of many pheromone fragrances on the market, many of which that make claims that are pretty far out there.
The advice you’ll hear from pheromone review sites is often tainted by reviewers who simply rank pheromones products by whichever pays them the biggest commission and don’t necessarily have your best interests in mind. So let’s chat about this. What can Nexus Pheromones really do for your love life?
WILL: Make You Smell Good
Nexus Pheromones smells good. It’s got a ‘masculine’ scent to it that stands out and makes an impact. Even if it didn’t have pheromones, it stands out for no other reason than you can wear it as a cologne.
WON’T: Automatically Get You Laid
Nexus Pheromones can help you smell good and use human pheromones to your advantage. It will not get you laid without effort. You’ll still have to put yourself out there – read this article on How To Start a Conversation With a Girl and this Seduction Guide to learn how to do that effectively.
WILL: Give Off Pheromones
Nexus Pheromones is formulated with AND – the male pheromone analyzed in each study reviewed in this article. If you want to give off male sex pheromones, Nexus Pheromones is a good place to start.
WON’T: Magically Turn You Into Someone Else
Nexus Pheromones can boost your confidence and give you an edge in the scent department. It cannot turn you into a ‘Ladies Man’ if you sit at home watching reruns of Gilligan’s Island on Saturday night. You’ve got to put in the effort to see good results.
WILL: Give You Leading Edge Health Quality
Nexus Pheromones is made by Leading Edge Health. If the name sounds familiar, that’s because it’s the same company that makes VigRX Plus – a famous male virility supplement that made sex up to 71.43% more enjoyable among guys who took it in a clinical study.
The point being? They’re well-established in the male wellness market and have put that knowledge to making a good human sex pheromones fragrance that can help you stand out and put out pheromones for women to notice. You’ll need to work for it. But Nexus Pheromones takes our best understanding of human pheromones and puts them in a spray-on fragrance that can help you put your best foot out in the mating department.
Do with it that what you will. It’s a good tool to have when attracting a mate.