Here’s the truth: Some men are jerks. Sorry guys, but that’s just how it is, even though the majority of you are good guys. Some men are so full of themselves, they think they can get any girl they want simply by bragging about what they have, and more.
Looks like you are learning how to attract women, so congratulations. Now that you finally got her number, it’s time to step it up and move on to the next level – digital loving.
Picture this: you’re out in a bar with some college buddies. While you’re about to get a refill, you see this gorgeous girl and all of a sudden, your future together flashes before you. Coincidentally, she’s getting a drink and heading to where you are standing. Choose one of the following options:
Have you heard of many long term relationships? We, for one, only know of a few. Having been in quite a few relationships ourselves, we have to say, it’s little wonder why there are so few relationships that tend to last for longer periods of time. When you initially enter in to a relationship, your … 11 Tips To Bring Sex Back to a Long Term Relationship
Sex remains one of the most popularly tabooed topics to date. While many scoff at the sensuality and prevalence of sex in our culture, there must be a reason why so many openly endorse it. Well, if it wasn’t obvious already, then we will be the ones to say it: Sex is awesome.
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